Sullivan, Edward

Making the Americas modern: hemispheric art, 1910-1960 - London: Laurence King Publishing, 2018 - 336 p. il. col.

Prologue: Fragmentary histories of hemispheric art, 1910-1960 : Exhibiting modern art, 1910-1960 -- Time frames -- Divisions of the story -- End of the story. 1 The expanding mind: symbolist imagery in the Americas : American decadence and redemption, c.1910-1930 -- North American visionaries -- Cannibals in the southern cone: Alejandro Xul Solar and Tarsila do Amaral. 2 A sense of place: landscapes, cityscapes, and Topographies of the self : The year 1916 -- Landscapes of the mind -- Southwest reveries -- Canadian wilderness -- Mexican volcanoes -- Cityscapes -- South of the U.S. border. 3 Visualizing blackness in the Americas : Blackness in the modernist imagination -- Blackness, dance, music, and ritual -- black faces, black bodies -- Labor and struggle -- Black abstractions. 4 Cross-border dialogues : Revolutionary art: between exaltation and despair -- Public arts on both sides of the border -- Muralism, teaching, and learning. 5 Labor, anxiety, and a new social order : Anxiety -- Lynchings -- Clouds of war -- Eye witness -- Labor and exile -- Exile and migration. 6 The liberated line: toward abstracted form : Alternative histories -- Abstracted nature -- Surrealism into abstraction -- Site-specific abstraction. 7 The cube, sphere, and cone; constructed abstractions in the Americas : American responses to geometric form, c.1910-1920 -- Joaquin Torres-Garci´a, the Torres-Garci´a workshop, and arithmetical proportion -- Geometric Manhattan -- Río de la Plata: beyond Torres - experimentation in the 1940s -- Brazil builds -- Havana - Paris - New York - Montreal. 8 Modern visionaries and the intuitive imagination : Trans-American surrealism -- The 1940s and 50s in Latin America: surrealist affinities -- From Mexico to Manhattan and beyond -- Dance, visual art, and visionary modernity -- Popular arts, the intuitive eye, and modernity. Epilogue: Into the future : Pop art and revolution -- Art for all -- Environments and total participation -- Art and terror. Endnotes -- Further reading -- Index -- Picture credits.




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Para ver los registros de la Documentación de Arte Peruano puede hacer clic aquí.

Con tecnología Koha