Art in Latin America: modern era, 1820-1980

Por: Ades, DawnTipo de material: TextoTextoDetalles de publicación: London: South Bank Centre, 1989Descripción: 361 p. il. col. y nISBN: 1 85332 042 0Tema(s): Arte moderno | Arte Contemporáneo | MURALISMO | Indigenismo | ARTISTAS LATINOAMERICANOS | DATOS BIOGRAFICOS | Exposiciones | Catalogos | PINTURA LATINOAMERICANA
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Libro Libro Manuel Solari Swayne
709.80904 A23 En Disponible 001960

Independence and its heroes -- Academies and historical painting -- Traveller-reporter artists and the empirical tradition in post-independence Latin America / by Stanton Loomis Catlin -- Nature, science and the picturesque -- José María Velasco -- Posada and the popular graphic tradition -- Modernism and the search for roots -- The Taller de gráfica popular -- Indigenism and social realism -- Private worlds and public myths -- Arte madi´/arte concreto-invención -- A radical leap / by Guy Brett -- History and identity.

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