Botero: new works on canvas

Por: Escallón, Ana MaríaTipo de material: TextoTextoDetalles de publicación: New York: Rizzoli, 1997Descripción: 237 p. il., colISBN: 0847820645Tema(s): Botero, Fernando (Medellín, 1932 - Mónaco, 2023) | Arte figurativo | Historia del Arte colombiano | Pintores colombianos
Lista(s) en las que aparece este ítem: Fernando Botero
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Libro Libro Manuel Solari Swayne
759.8606 B76Z4N Disponible 016088

From the inside out: an interview with Fernando Botero / Ana María Escallón -- The beginning of a life -- The journey within the journey -- Declaration of principles -- The meaning of art -- In the act of creation -- As a painter I don't concern myself with the human condition -- The reaffirmation of time -- Classical modernism -- Plates -- List of works illustrated -- Selected solo exhibitions -- Selected bibliography -- Public collectgions.

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