Roussel-Leriche, Françoise

Faste et ferveur d'Amerique Latine. Pomp and devotion in Latin America - Versailles: Musée Lambinet, 2011 - 191 p. il. col.

Testimonies of two of the collector's friends, a Scotsman Douglas Shaw, a Portuguese-Spaniard Francisco Martins -- Mirror visions, reflections/ Gérard Priet -- So was Jean Aberbach/ Gérard Priet -- The Indianization and mestizaje of colonial painting in Cuzco/ bernard Lavallé -- The Baroque of the Andes/ Ferrante Ferranti -- Honoring the sun: viceregal pageantry and inca heritage/ Barbara von Barghahn -- The Incas and Baroque Painting/ Carmen Bernand -- Iconographic sources of the latin.-american art/ Jean -Louis Augé -- ...

Iconografía cristiana
Arte Barroco
Arte Colonial


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