Laurila-Hakulinen, Raisa, ed.

Yojuna: surrealistisia reitteja Kiasman kokoelmiin = Night train: surrealist routes to Kiasma's collections - Helsinski: Nykytaiteen museo Kiasma, 2003 - 131 p. il., col.

The Image and historical surrealism - Traces in contemporary art/ Leevi Haapala -- Route map for night train -- Journey into deram and the night: On the history of surrealism and its European and finnish aspects/ Ulla Vihanta -- A ghost at noon: Secondary states, love and unattainability in contemporary art/ Riikka Stewen -- Un chien Andalou. Horror and the uncanny/ Leevi Haapala


Arte moderno
Arte Finlandes
Influencia surrealista
Arte Contemporáneo


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